Robert M. Murphy | Gauthier Murphy & Houghtaling

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Robert M. Murphy

Robert M. Murphy rejoined Gauthier Houghtaling LLC, on January 4, 2018, following an absence of 21 years. The firm was renamed Gauthier Murphy & Houghtaling LLC on March 6, 2018.  He co-founded the firm in 1974 with Wendell H. Gauthier, following his graduation from the University of Southwestern Louisiana in 1971 with a degree in Business Administration and from Loyola University Law School in 1974.  He had worked for Mr. Gauthier as a law clerk for 2½ years of his 3 years in law school.

He practiced with the firm until his election to the 24th Judicial District Court for the Parish of Jefferson on 1/1/97 where he served for 16 years.  On 1/1/13 he began a 10 year term on the Louisiana 5th Circuit Court of Appeal having been elected without opposition.  He served on the Appellate court until his resignation on 1/2/18, with 5 years remaining on his term, in order to rejoin the firm as managing partner. He retired January 4, 2024.

Robert Murphy served on the Judicial Council of the Supreme Court of Louisiana as both attorney and judge, was vice-chairman of the Trial Court Task Force, and chaired the Judiciary Commission of the State of Louisiana.  He served two terms on the Board of Governors of the Louisiana Judicial College.  He was also on the Jefferson Parish Charter Advisory Board and was on the original Louisiana Supreme Court Continuing Legal Education Commission.  He is a former director and chairman of the East Jefferson General Hospital Board of Directors on which he served 14 years.  He served on the Judicial Budgetary Control Board and is a past chairman of the Louisiana Board of Examiners of Certified Shorthand Reporters.  He co-authored the Louisiana Appellate Practice Handbook.  He is a past president of the 5th Circuit Judge’s Association and was Chief Judge of the 24th Judicial District Court and served on the Louisiana Supreme Court Committee on Judicial Ethics.